You know the feeling when you are finally finished with your blog and you click on publish…and it disappears!?! Grrrrrrrrrrrrr
Anyway…we have gone a long ways!
We stopped off in the Dallas/Fort Worth area and spent a few days…hot and sticky days I might add. If you are ever in that area…check out this area!
We stayed there a few days…it was so relaxing.
We checked out Memphis, Tennessee…what fun that was. Don’t miss Beale Street in Memphis when you are there! They close down Beale Street on Saturday and Sunday afternoons and you can hear the blues everywhere! Best place for food and blues on Beale Street? BB King’s of course…where else?
Ever had deep fried dill pickles? NO? Well that is a must if you go to BB King’s…that was one of his favorites! They were so good we went back a second time! Just look at those ribs and wings and deep fried dill pickles!
Then on to Red Bay, Alabama…home of the Tiffin Motor Home Plant…where our RV was made. We needed a little work done on our RV…so back to the factory we went. While work is being done on our RV…we stay in the Allegro RV Park for free! So we have been here almost a week. Monday morning…we head out of town and on down the road.
As they say here in Red Bay...have a good'n! (have a good one)
I love this town...they are so friendly!
Until next time we are..."on the road again"!